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How to ruin wedding of your lover...??? An Interesting article for you.

- Thursday, 25 December 2014 No Comments
If a person fall in love of any thing he wants to get him in all the way. If her lover going to marry with someone else he must try to break their relation or marriage. Sometime it happens bad for him.
Today i will tell you about a country of world where marriage breaks if groom or bride smile in the wedding ceremony. It happening in a Congo country of Africa where marriage breaks if bride or groom smile in their wedding ceremony. So if lover want to ruin wedding of his lover then hire a comedian and go to wedding place with that comedian and try to smile groom. But keep in mind its not a good thing because if your lover is not wants to live with you then there is no right to you to ruin his wedding and life. 

3900 needles piercing in humane body world record

- Tuesday, 23 December 2014 No Comments

A man who is known as "Mexicon Pin Cushion" wants to make a world record to piercing needles in his body. He wants to make record by piercing 900 needles in his body but he know a man already make this record by piercing 1097 needles in his body. After this he make new world record by piercing 2000 needles in his body in 2010. And then he updates hos own record by piercing 2100 needles in his body. After this another man name Kris Elliot break his record by piercing 3900 needles in his body in just 8 hours.

26KG tv stuck on body of magnet man

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Aurel Raileanu is a man who is famous as a Magnet Human. He is a 40 year old man who is living with his mother. He didn't know why things are stick with his body. He told to people that he focus on a thing and then feelings of Magnet comes on it and thing a sticks on his body. He makes a World Record in 2007 by stuck a 26 KG T.V on his body without any help of glues, string or wire etc. He has ability to stuck Books, Spoons, Electronic Irons etc with his body.

Kanchana Ketkaew spend 33 days with Scorpions

- Monday, 22 December 2014 No Comments

Kanchana Ketkaew is first girl of the world who spend 33 days and night with scorpions in a glass box whose area was 130 square feet. In these 33 days and nights Kanchana Ketkaew was stung 13 times by scorpions. Kanchana Ketkaew go to in box on 22 December 2008 and come out from box on 24 January 2009. So it becomes 33 days that Kanchana Ketkaew lives with scorpions in a glass box. This box keep in  Pataya city of Thailand.

Ghost Marriage In Shanxi China

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Near Beijing province of CHINA, there is a province Shanxi, where people do marriages of their DEAD bodies.
It is their rite that if a bachelor boy died then they married his dead body to some bachelor girl’s dead body and same like if a girl got dead then her dead body is married by a dead body of bachelor boy. In that region people said that this marriage is GHOST marriage. So that there is a huge business of death bodies their and their death bodies sold in high rates.

14.22 Inch Sword Swallowing by Natasha Veruschka

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Natasha Veruschka is a women who has ability to swallow a long sword and she also got a world record to swallow a long sword. Natasha was born in INDIA in home of white Russian and British women. Natasha can speak many languages . Natasha had made World Record by swallowing a 13.22 Inches long sword and after this she break her own record by swallowing a 14.22 Inches long sword. This record is also exist in World Genius of record.
NOTE: Don’t try this at home after reading this because a sword taking in mouth is equivalent of suicide. This may dangerous for your life because its a very dangerous task.

Some Real Facts About Human Body

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Some Real Facts of a human body .. you should know about these facts
1. Pules rate of a normal person is 70 heart beats per minute and of an elephant is 27 heart beats per minute and of canary 1000 heart beats per minute.
2. If a person’s Blood vessels combine together end to end then their length will almost 60,000 miles which is twice distance of whole world.
3. Total heart beats of a person in a day is about 100 thousand times.
4. Length of small Intestine of a normal person is about 6m.
5. Human body’s strong bone is femur(Thigh) bone.'
6. An American spends his life’s 5 years in Queues.
7. Human eye can see 2.4 light year away.
8. A man see average 7 dreams in a night.
9. Human tongue can taste 3000 tastes.
10. Humane eye blink 10 million times in a year.